Modifications by user LuizCapelo

Epigram 12.195: Addition of [eng] The meads that love the Zephyr …

Epigram 12.194: Addition of [fra] Si Zeus faisait encore enlever de …

Epigram 12.194: Addition of [eng] If Zeus still carried off' mortal …

Epigram 12.193: Addition of [fra] Qu’elles t’apportent un message important, les …

Epigram 12.193: Addition of [eng] Thou dost not even take to …

Epigram 12.192: Addition of [eng] I am not charmed by long …

Epigram 12.191: Addition of [fra] Hier, n’étais-tu pas un enfant ? …

Epigram 12.191: Addition of [eng] Wast thou not yesterday a boy, …

Epigram 12.190: Addition of [fra] Heureux qui a peint ton portrait …

Epigram 12.190: Addition of [eng] Blest is he who painted thee, …

Epigram 12.189: Addition of [eng] Who crowned all thy head with …

Epigram 12.188: Addition of [fra] J’ai tort de t’embrasser ? Tu …

Epigram 12.188: Addition of [eng] If I do you a wrong …

Epigram 12.187: Addition of [fra] Comment apprendras — tu à lire …

Epigram 12.187: Addition of [eng] How, Dionysius, shall you teach a …

Epigram 12.187: Removal of Text

Epigram 12.187: Addition of Text

Epigram 12.186: Addition of [fra] Jusques à quand vas-tu les conserver …

Epigram 12.186: Addition of [eng] How long, Mentor, shalt thou maintain …

Epigram 12.185: Addition of [fra] Ces garçons hautains, tout de pourpre …