Modifications by user LuizCapelo

Epigram 12.203: Addition of [eng] You kiss me when I don’t …

Epigram 12.202: Addition of Comment (PK 823)

Epigram 12.202: Addition of [fra] L’Amour ailé m’emporta dans l’espace, dès …

Epigram 12.202: Addition of [eng] Winged Love bore me through the …

Epigram 12.201: Addition of [fra] Si ce Cléonicos n’arrive pas sur …

Epigram 12.201: Addition of [eng] If Cleonicus does not come now …

Epigram 12.200: Addition of [fra] J’ai horreur des baisers qu’on arrache …

Epigram 12.200: Addition of [eng] I hate resistance to my embrace …

Epigram 12.199: Addition of [fra] C’est assez bu pour moi, car …

Epigram 12.199: Addition of [eng] I have drunk already in sufficient …

Epigram 12.199: Removal of Text

Epigram 12.199: Addition of Text

Epigram 12.198: Addition of [eng] I am a friend of youth …

Epigram 12.197: Addition of [fra] « Sache le bon moment » …

Epigram 12.197: Addition of [eng] “ Know the time ” said …

Epigram 12.196: Addition of [fra] Tes prunelles ? Des scintillements d’étoiles, …

Epigram 12.196: Removal of Text

Epigram 12.196: Addition of Text

Epigram 12.196: Addition of [eng] Thy eyes are sparks, Lyeinus, divinely …

Epigram 12.195: Addition of [fra] Il pousse dans les prés que …