Modifications by user maximeguénette

Epigram 8.208: Modification of [fra] Cet homme a, dans une espérance …

Epigram 8.208: Addition of [fra] Cet homme a, dans une espérance …

Epigram 8.207: Addition of [eng] Slay and plunder, ye evil men, …

Epigram 8.207: Addition of [fra] Tuez, pillez, hommes malhonnêtes avides d'un …

Epigram 8.206: Addition of [eng] Tombs, and summits, and hills, and …

Epigram 8.206: Addition of [fra] Tombeaux, tours élevées, montagnes et vous, …

Epigram 8.205: Addition of [eng] Tombs, and dust, and bones, and …

Epigram 8.205: Addition of [fra] Monuments, cendres, ossements et vous, génies …

Epigram 8.204: Addition of [eng] When, savage Titan, thou didst break …

Epigram 8.204: Addition of [fra] Quand tu as brisé, sauvage Titan, …

Epigram 8.203: Addition of [eng] Ye gravestones and broad tombs in …

Epigram 8.203: Addition of [fra] O stèles, à tables funéraires dressées …

Epigram 8.202: Addition of [eng] Farewell ye gravestones and tombs, the …

Epigram 8.202: Addition of [fra] Stèles et tombeaux, adieu, adieu, monuments …

Epigram 8.201: Addition of [eng] Who prompted thee, insatiable man, to …

Epigram 8.201: Addition of [fra] Qui t'a poussé, être insatiable, à …

Epigram 8.201: Modification of [grc] τίς σ᾽ ἀνέηκεν, ἄπληστε, τόσον κακὸν …

Epigram 8.200: Addition of [eng] Cease, ye builders of tombs; yea, …

Epigram 8.200: Addition of [fra] Cessez, bâtisseurs de tombes, oui, cessez …

Epigram 8.199: Addition of [eng] The Furies shall torture thee, but …