Modifications by user maximeguénette

Epigram 11.441: Addition of [eng] The Piraeus is a big nut …

Epigram 11.441: Addition of [fra] Le Pirée, c'est une grande noix: …

Epigram 11.440: Addition of [eng] Avoid all Megarians, for they are …

Epigram 11.440: Addition of [fra] Les Mégariens, fuis-les tous: ce sont …

Epigram 11.439: Addition of [eng] Argos is the land of horses, …

Epigram 11.439: Addition of [fra] Argos est la terre des chevaux, …

Epigram 11.438: Addition of [eng] Trust in (?) a Corinthian and …

Epigram 11.438: Addition of [fra] Fie-toi à un Corinthien, mais n'en …

Epigram 11.437: Addition of [eng] I lament for Diotimus, who sits …

Epigram 11.436: Addition of [eng] You Mill sooner find white crows …

Epigram 11.436: Addition of [fra] Tu trouverais plus facilement des corbeaux …

Epigram 11.435: Addition of [eng] It strikes me as wonderful how …

Epigram 11.435: Addition of [fra] Il m'arrive de m'étonner. Comment Bytos …

Epigram 11.434: Addition of [eng] If you see a hairless head, …

Epigram 11.434: Addition of [fra] Si tu aperçois une tête bien …

Epigram 11.434: Removal of Text

Epigram 11.434: Addition of [grc] ἢν ἐσίδῃς κεφαλὴν μαδαράν, καὶ στέρνα, …

Epigram 11.433: Addition of [eng] Painter, thou stealest the form only, …

Epigram 11.433: Addition of [fra] Peintre, tu ne captes que les …

Epigram 11.432: Addition of [eng] A fool put out the lamp …