Modifications by user LuizCapelo

Epigram 12.223: Addition of [fra] Charmant, il me suffit, en somme, …

Epigram 12.223: Addition of [eng] His face as he approaches seems …

Epigram 12.222: Addition of [fra] Un jour, par une heureuse aubaine, …

Epigram 12.222: Addition of [eng] Once a wrestling-master, taking advantage of …

Epigram 12.221: Addition of [fra] Monte vers l’éther divin, aigle, éloigne-toi …

Epigram 12.221: Addition of [eng] Hie thee to holy Heaven, eagle …

Epigram 12.220: Addition of [fra] Non, le vol du feu n’est …

Epigram 12.220: Addition of [eng] Thou art not in fetters for …

Epigram 12.220: Removal of Text

Epigram 12.220: Addition of Text

Epigram 12.219: Addition of [fra] Vous, les maîtres, demandez en plus …

Epigram 12.219: Addition of [eng] You want payment too, you schoolmasters! …

Epigram 12.218: Addition of [fra] De te voir seulement rire, sans …

Epigram 12.218: Addition of [eng] How long shall I hear with …

Epigram 12.214: Addition of [por] Dê para mim e receba cobre! …

Epigram 12.217: Addition of [fra] Tu vas partir soldat, et tu …

Epigram 12.217: Addition of [eng] So soon thou rushes t to …

Epigram 12.216: Addition of [lat] Nunc erecta, exsecranda, et rigida es, …

Epigram 12.215: Addition of [fra] Pour le moment, c’est ton printemps, …

Epigram 12.215: Addition of [eng] Now thou art spring, and afterward …