Epigram 6.80: Association of distique élégiaque (1)
Epigram 6.80: Association of Cycle d'Agathias (858)
Epigram 6.79: Association of Validé par Maxime (155)
Epigram 6.79: Association of Stratonicus (1286)
Epigram 6.79: Association of Echo (851)
Epigram 6.79: Association of Pan (492)
Epigram 6.79: Association of dedicatory (186)
Epigram 6.79: Association of distique élégiaque (1)
Epigram 6.79: Association of époque byzantine (116)
Epigram 6.79: Association of Cycle d'Agathias (858)
Epigram 6.78: Association of Dáfnis (1391)
Dáfnis (1391): Creation of
Epigram 6.78: Removal of Daphnis (805)
Epigram 6.78: Association of Validé par Maxime (155)
Epigram 6.78: Association of Pan (492)
Epigram 6.78: Association of Daphnis (805)
Epigram 6.78: Association of dedicatory (186)
Epigram 6.78: Association of distique élégiaque (1)
Epigram 6.78: Association of Cycle d'Agathias (858)
Epigram 6.78: Association of époque byzantine (116)