Modifications by user maximeguénette

Epigram 6.91: Association of Philinos (1266)

Epigram 6.91: Association of Aristomachus (677)

Epigram 6.91: Association of Nico (485)

Epigram 6.91: Association of Promachos (1109)

Epigram 6.91: Association of war (1383)

Epigram 6.91: Association of Ares (121)

Epigram 9.220: Association of Grèce romaine (60)

Epigram 9.220: Association of Couronne de Philippe (76)

Epigram 6.235: Association of Couronne de Philippe (76)

Epigram 6.235: Association of Grèce romaine (60)

Epigram 7.373: Association of Couronne de Philippe (76)

Epigram 7.188: Association of Couronne de Philippe (76)

Epigram 6.91: Association of dedicatory (186)

Epigram 6.91: Association of distique élégiaque (1)

Epigram 6.91: Association of Grèce romaine (60)

Epigram 6.91: Association of Couronne de Philippe (76)

Epigram 6.90: Association of Validé par Maxime (155)

Epigram 6.90: Removal of Text

Epigram 6.90: Addition of [eng] Poseidon, King of the sea, to …

Epigram 6.90: Association of Poseidon (806)