Modifications by user maximeguénette

Epigram 6.105: Association of Couronne de Philippe (76)

Epigram 6.104: Association of Validé par Maxime (155)

Epigram 6.104: Association of Demeter (293)

Epigram 6.104: Association of dedicatory (186)

Epigram 6.104: Association of distique élégiaque (1)

Epigram 6.104: Association of Grèce romaine (60)

Epigram 6.104: Association of Couronne de Philippe (76)

Epigram 6.103: Addition of ExtRef: Étude sur l'épithète Glaukopis (aux yeux pairs)

Epigram 6.103: Removal of External reference

Epigram 6.103: Addition of External reference

Epigram 6.103: Association of Validé par Maxime (155)

Epigram 6.103: Association of Leontichus (568)

Epigram 6.103: Association of Athéna (207)

Epigram 6.103: Association of Glaucopide (1397)

Glaucopide (1397): Creation of

Epigram 6.103: Association of distique élégiaque (1)

Epigram 6.103: Association of dedicatory (186)

Epigram 6.103: Association of Grèce romaine (60)

Epigram 6.103: Association of Couronne de Philippe (76)

Epigram 6.102: Addition of Comment (PK 776)