Modifications by user maximeguénette

Epigram 8.244: Addition of [eng] Who exhibited me to men, the …

Epigram 8.244: Addition of [fra] Qui donc, quand j'étais caché sous …

Epigram 8.243: Addition of [eng] Come to the help of your …

Epigram 8.243: Addition of [fra] Venez au secours de vos propres …

Epigram 8.242: Addition of [eng] Was it not enough for men …

Epigram 8.242: Addition of [fra] Ce n'était pas assez que l'on …

Epigram 8.241: Addition of [eng] Show not to men the naked …

Epigram 8.241: Addition of [fra] Ne montre pas aux mortels un …

Epigram 8.240: Addition of [eng] If thy hand lust too much …

Epigram 8.240: Removal of Text

Epigram 8.240: Addition of [fra] Si tu as un cœur tellement …

Epigram 8.239: Addition of [eng] This tomb was the glory of …

Epigram 8.239: Addition of [fra] J'étais une tombe, la gloire des …

Epigram 8.238: Addition of [eng] I am not a house of …

Epigram 8.238: Addition of [fra] Ce n'est pas de l'or que …

Epigram 8.237: Addition of [eng] I'm have all ye wish, ye …

Epigram 8.237: Addition of [fra] Vous avez tout*, vous qui vivez; …

Epigram 8.236: Addition of [eng] Forgetfulness and silence are the privileges …

Epigram 8.236: Addition of [fra] L'oubli et le silence sont le …

Epigram 8.235: Addition of [eng] If the whole tomb were built …