Modifications by user maximeguénette

Epigram 7.713: Addition of internal reference from Epigram 7.11

Epigram 7.11: Addition of internal reference to Epigram 7.713

Epigram 8.254: Addition of [eng] The profaning steel attacked me, the …

Epigram 8.254: Addition of [fra] J'ai été outragé, j'ai été assailli, …

Epigram 8.253: Addition of [eng] Dear Earth, receive not in thy …

Epigram 8.253: Addition of [fra] Terre bien-aimée, ne reçois pas dans …

Epigram 8.252: Addition of [eng] Break, break here; the tomb is …

Epigram 8.252: Addition of [fra] Taillez, taillez toujours : ce tombeau …

Epigram 8.251: Addition of [eng] Even if thou stayest digging up …

Epigram 8.251: Addition of [fra] Quand tu resterais là à fouiller …

Epigram 8.250: Addition of [eng] I am a rich poor man, …

Epigram 8.250: Addition of [fra] Riche, je suis pauvre: je possède …

Epigram 8.249: Addition of [eng] Mountains and hills, weep for my …

Epigram 8.249: Addition of [fra] Montagnes et collines, pleurez mon tombeau …

Epigram 8.248: Addition of [eng] I swore by the dead, and …

Epigram 8.248: Addition of [fra] J'ai juré par les morts et …

Epigram 8.247: Addition of [eng] How slow-footed art thou, Justice, and …

Epigram 8.246: Addition of [fra] Le Tartare n'était qu'un mythe, sans …

Epigram 8.245: Addition of [eng] Why hast thou, wretch, despoiled my …

Epigram 8.245: Addition of [fra] Pourquoi donc as-tu saccagé mon tombeau, …