Epigram 5.120: Association of erotic (3)
Scholium 5.123.2: Modification of [por] Para Callístion, a hetaira.
Scholium 5.123.2: Association of Callistion (1469)
Callistion (1469): Creation of
Epigram 5.121: Association of époque hellénistique (4)
Epigram 5.121: Association of distique élégiaque (1)
Epigram 5.121: Association of erotic (3)
Epigram 5.121: Association of Philainion (1002)
Scholium 5.121.2: Association of Philainion (1002)
Epigram 5.119: Association of Gemella (1468)
Scholium 5.119.2: Modification of [por] Para sua amada Gemella.
Scholium 5.119.2: Association of Gemella (1468)
Gemella (1468): Creation of
Scholium 5.115.2: Association of Philodemus (108)
Epigram 5.115: Association of Dêmo (1126)
Scholium 5.115.2: Association of Dêmo (1126)
Epigram 5.111: Association of Téreine (1467)
Scholium 5.111.2: Association of Téreine (1467)
Téreine (1467): Creation of
Scholium 5.110.2: Association of Lysidice (675)