Scholium 5.200.2: Modification of [fra] À Alexô, une jeune fille.
Epigram 5.199: Association of Aglaonice (1485)
Scholium 5.199.2: Association of Aglaonice (1485)
Aglaonice (1485): Creation of
Epigram 5.198: Association of Dorothea (1484)
Epigram 5.198: Association of Timarion (1483)
Scholium 5.198.2: Association of Dorothea (1484)
Dorothea (1484): Creation of
Scholium 5.198.2: Association of Timarion (1483)
Timarion (1483): Creation of
Scholium 5.198.2: Association of Héliodora (990)
Epigram 5.197: Association of Timô (1481)
Scholium 5.197.2: Association of Timô (1481)
Timô (1481): Creation of
Epigram 5.197: Association of Dêmo (1126)
Scholium 5.197.2: Association of Dêmo (1126)
Scholium 5.196.2: Association of Zénophila (1232)
Scholium 5.195.2: Association of Zénophila (1232)
Epigram 5.194: Association of Irene (1480)
Scholium 5.194.2: Association of Irene (1480)