Modifications by user LuizCapelo

Epigram 5.289: Association of Cycle d'Agathias (858)

Epigram 5.289: Association of Persephone (324)

Epigram 5.282: Association of jeunesse et vieillesse (84)

Epigram 5.289: Addition of [fra] Cette vieille de l’âge de trois …

Epigram 5.289: Addition of [eng] The old hag, thrice as old …

Epigram 5.288: Association of distique élégiaque (1)

Epigram 5.288: Association of erotic (3)

Epigram 5.288: Association of époque byzantine (116)

Epigram 5.288: Association of Cycle d'Agathias (858)

Epigram 5.288: Addition of [fra] Depuis qu’en folâtrant, Chariclô, tandis que …

Epigram 5.288: Addition of [eng] Ever since Chariklo, playing with me …

Epigram 5.287: Association of distique élégiaque (1)

Epigram 5.287: Association of erotic (3)

Epigram 5.287: Association of époque byzantine (116)

Epigram 5.287: Association of Cycle d'Agathias (858)

Epigram 5.287: Addition of [fra] Désireux de savoir si la belle …

Epigram 5.287: Addition of [eng] Curious to find out if lovely …

Epigram 5.286: Association of distique élégiaque (1)

Epigram 5.286: Association of erotic (3)

Epigram 5.286: Association of époque byzantine (116)