Modifications by user LuizCapelo

Scholium 5.302.3: Addition of [fra] Ensemble jusqu'à l'épigramme trois cent dix.

Scholium 5.302.2: Modification of [por] Junto ao epigrama trezentos e seis.

Scholium 5.302.2: Modification of [fra] Ensemble à l’épigramme trois cent six.

Scholium 5.302.2: Modification of [por] Junto ao epigrama trezentos e seis.

Scholium 5.302.2: Modification of [fra] Ensemble à l’épigramme trois cent six.

Scholium 5.302.2: Addition of Comment (PK 1562)

Scholium 5.302.2: Addition of [por] Junto ao epigrama trezentos e seis.

Scholium 5.302.2: Addition of [fra] Ensemble à l’épigramme trois cent six.

Scholium 5.302.1: Addition of Comment (PK 1561)

Scholium 5.302.1: Addition of [por] De Agátias Escolástico.

Scholium 5.302.1: Addition of [fra] D'Agathias le Scholastique.

Scholium 5.301.2: Addition of Comment (PK 1560)

Scholium 5.301.2: Addition of [por] Porque ele enviou um peixe para …

Scholium 5.301.2: Addition of [fra] Parce qu’il a envoyé un poisson …

Epigram 5.301: Association of Eros (75)

Epigram 5.301: Association of La déesse Paphienne (667)

Scholium 5.301.1: Addition of Comment (PK 1559)

Scholium 5.301.1: Addition of [por] Do mesmo.

Scholium 5.301.1: Addition of [fra] Du même.

Scholium 5.300.2: Addition of Comment (PK 1558)