(cp. No. 343)
ὄρθριος εὐπλέκτοιο λίνου νεφοειδέι κόλπῳ
ἔμπεσε σὺν κίχλῃ κόσσυφος ἡδυβόας.
καὶ τὰν μὲν πανάφυκτος ἕλε βρόχος: ὠκὺ δ᾽ ἀπέπτα
ἐξ ὀρνιθοπέδας ᾠδὸς ἐρημοφίλας.ἦ τάχα που τριμάκαιρα φιλαγρέτις ὄρνιν ἀοιδὸν
— Paton edition
Ἄρτεμις εὐμόλπῳ λῦσεν ἄνακτι λύρης.
One morning a sweet-voiced blackbird, together
— Paton edition
with a field-fare, fell into the cloud-like bag of the
well-knit net. The field-fare was caught in the noose
from which there is no escape, but the songster of
the wilderness flew swiftly away from the trap. It
would seem that blessed Artemis, the huntress, re-
leased the singing-bird for the sake of the sweet-
voiced lord of the lyre.
One morning a sweet-voiced blackbird, together
— Paton edition
with a field-fare, fell into the cloud-like bag of the
well-knit net. The field-fare was caught in the noose
from which there is no escape, but the songster of
the wilderness flew swiftly away from the trap. It
would seem that blessed Artemis, the huntress, re-
leased the singing-bird for the sake of the sweet-
voiced lord of the lyre.
ὄρθριος εὐπλέκτοιο λίνου νεφοειδέι κόλπῳ
ἔμπεσε σὺν κίχλῃ κόσσυφος ἡδυβόας.
καὶ τὰν μὲν πανάφυκτος ἕλε βρόχος: ὠκὺ δ᾽ ἀπέπτα
ἐξ ὀρνιθοπέδας ᾠδὸς ἐρημοφίλας.ἦ τάχα που τριμάκαιρα φιλαγρέτις ὄρνιν ἀοιδὸν
— Paton edition
Ἄρτεμις εὐμόλπῳ λῦσεν ἄνακτι λύρης.
Epigram 9.396: Creation of Scholium 9.396.1 by “epheline”
Epigram 9.396: First revision
See all modifications →