Epigram 7.9

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Codex Palatinus 23 p. 209


Ὀρφέα Θρηικίῃσι παρὰ προμολ^σιν Ὀλύμπου
τύμβος ἔχει, Μούσης υἱέα Καλλιόπης,
ᾧ δρύες οὐκ ἀπίθησαν, ὅτῳ σὺν ἀμ᾽ ἕσπετο πέτρη
ἄψυχος, θηρῶν θ᾽ ὑλονόμων ἀγέλα,

ὅς ποτε καὶ τελετὰς μυστηρίδας εὕρετο Βάκχου,
καὶ στίγον ἡρῴῳ ζευκτὸν ἔτευξε ποδί,
ὃς καὶ ἀμειλίκτοιο βαρὺ Κλυμένοιο νόημα
καὶ τὸν ἀκήλητον θυμὸν ἔθελξε λύρᾳ.

— Paton edition

Threïcius celso qua culmine surgit Olympus,
Natum Calliopes Orphea condit humus:
Cui vacuae sensu rupes, cui paruit arbor,
Auribus arrectis quem stupuere ferae.
Mystica nocturni reperit qui sacra Lyaei,
Vinxit et Heroo carmina prima pede:
Qui potuit sibi Ditis inexorabile numen,
Inmitesque animos conciliare lyra.

— Anthologia Graeca cum versione Latina Hugonis Grotii


  1. (Ὀρφέα ... Ὀλύμπου / τύμβος ἔχει) L'enjambement sottolinea l'iperbato in incipit. Secondo una tradizione riportata da Diogene Laerzio, Proemio, 5, Orfeo sarebbe stato sepolto a Dio, in Macedonia (AP VII, 617).
  2. (ᾧ ... / ... / ὅς ... / ... / ὅς ...) Notevole la triplice anafora del relativo all'inizio del distico.
  3. (στίχον ... ποδί) Forse inventore del pentametro e non dell'esametro, secondo l'interpretazione di A.S.F. Gow - D.L. Page, "The Greek Anthology: Hellenistic Epigrams", Cambridge, 1965, p. 225.
  4. (ἔθελξε) Per il verbo, cfr. 8, 1 e 10, 8, con identica clausola. (Conca-Marzi-Zanetto 2005)


Ὀρφέα Θρηικίῃσι παρὰ προμολ σιν Ὀλύμπου
τύμβος ἔχει , Μούσης υἱέα Καλλιόπης ,
δρύες οὐκ ἀπίθησαν , ὅτῳ σὺν ἀμ ἕσπετο πέτρη
ἄψυχος , θηρῶν θ ὑλονόμων ἀγέλα ,

ὅς ποτε καὶ τελετὰς μυστηρίδας εὕρετο Βάκχου ,
καὶ στίγον ἡρῴῳ ζευκτὸν ἔτευξε ποδί ,
ὃς καὶ ἀμειλίκτοιο βαρὺ Κλυμένοιο νόημα
καὶ τὸν ἀκήλητον θυμὸν ἔθελξε λύρᾳ .

The tomb on the Thracian skirts of Olympus holds
Orpheus , son of the Muse Calliope ; whom the trees
disobeyed not and the lifeless rocks followed , and
the herds of the forest beasts ; who discovered the
mystic rites of Bacchus , and first linked verse in
heroic feet ; who charmed with his lyre even the
heavy sense of implacable Lord of the Hell , and his
unyielding wrath .


Last modifications

Epigram 7.9: Addition of [ita] Threïcius celso qua culmine surgit Olympus, … by “d.arciuolokosholkin

Epigram 7.9: Addition of Comment (PK 841) by “d.arciuolokosholkin

Epigram 7.9: Addition of [ita] Alle tracie falde dell'Olimpo una tomba … by “d.arciuolokosholkin

Epigram 7.9: Addition of ExtRef: Pausanias, 9, 30, 6 by “d.arciuolokosholkin

Epigram 7.9: Addition of ExtRef: Pausanias, 9, 30, 4 by “d.arciuolokosholkin

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