— Paton edition
ὁ τραγικὸν φώνημα καὶ ὀφρυόεσσαν ἀοιδὴν
πυργώσας στιβαρῇ πρῶτος ἐν εὐεπίῃ,
Αἰσχύλος Εὐφορίωνος, Ἐλευσινίης ἑκὰς αἴης
κεῖται, κυδαίνων σήματι Τρινακρίην.
Here, far from the Attic land, making Sicily glorious
— Paton edition
by his tomb, lies Aeschylus, son of Euphorion, who
first built high massive eloquence the diction of
tragedy and its beetling song.
L'homme qui le premier a haussé le verbe tragique et le
— Waltz edition
chant sublime en un style vigoureux, Eschyle, fils d'Eupho-
rion, gît loin de la terre d'Éleusis, honorrant de son
monument la Trinacrie.
Lui che la tragica voce, l'altero canto per primo
— Pontani, Filippo Maria (1978-81) (ed.): Antologia Palatina, 4 vols., Torino.
nella possanza dello stile aderse,
Eschilo d'Euforione, lontano dal suolo d'Eleusi
giace, e Sicilia con la tomba onora.
Lui che la tragica voce, l'altero canto per primo
— Pontani, Filippo Maria (1978-81) (ed.): Antologia Palatina, 4 vols., Torino.
nella possanza dello stile aderse,
Eschilo d'Euforione, lontano dal suolo d'Eleusi
giace, e Sicilia con la tomba onora.
L'homme qui le premier a haussé le verbe tragique et le
— Waltz edition
chant sublime en un style vigoureux, Eschyle, fils d'Eupho-
rion, gît loin de la terre d'Éleusis, honorrant de son
monument la Trinacrie.
Here, far from the Attic land, making Sicily glorious
— Paton edition
by his tomb, lies Aeschylus, son of Euphorion, who
first built high massive eloquence the diction of
tragedy and its beetling song.
— Paton edition
ὁ τραγικὸν φώνημα καὶ ὀφρυόεσσαν ἀοιδὴν
πυργώσας στιβαρῇ πρῶτος ἐν εὐεπίῃ,
Αἰσχύλος Εὐφορίωνος, Ἐλευσινίης ἑκὰς αἴης
κεῖται, κυδαίνων σήματι Τρινακρίην.
Metric forms (eng)
Famous or historical characters (eng)
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Quoted poets (eng)
ὁ τραγικὸν φώνημα καὶ ὀφρυόεσσαν ἀοιδὴν
πυργώσας στιβαρῇ πρῶτος ἐν εὐεπίῃ ,
Αἰσχύλος Εὐφορίωνος , Ἐλευσινίης ἑκὰς αἴης
κεῖται , κυδαίνων σήματι Τρινακρίην .
Here , far from the Attic land , making Sicily glorious
by his tomb , lies Aeschylus , son of Euphorion , who
first built high massive eloquence the diction of
tragedy and its beetling song .
ὁ τραγικὸν φώνημα καὶ ὀφρυόεσσαν ἀοιδὴν
πυργώσας στιβαρῇ πρῶτος ἐν εὐεπίῃ ,
Αἰσχύλος Εὐφορίωνος , Ἐλευσινίης ἑκὰς αἴης
κεῖται , κυδαίνων σήματι Τρινακρίην .
L ' homme qui le premier a haussé le verbe tragique et le
chant sublime en un style vigoureux , Eschyle , fils d ' Eupho -
rion , gît loin de la terre d ' Éleusis , honorrant de son
monument la Trinacrie .
Internal references
External references
Last modifications
Epigram 7.39: Addition of [ita] Lui che la tragica voce, l'altero … by “a.bagliore”
Epigram 7.39: First revision
See all modifications →