Epigram 7.166

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Codex Palatinus 23 p. 231


τὴν γοεραῖς πνεύσασαν ἐν ὠδίνεσσι Λαμίσκην
ὕστατα, Νικαρέτης παῖδα καὶ Εὐπόλιδος,
σὺν βρέφεσιν διδύμοις, Σαμίην γένος, αἱ παρὰ Νείλῳ
κρύπτουσιν Λιβύης ᾐόνες εἰκοσέτιν.

ἀλλά, κόραι, τῇ παιδὶ λεχώια δῶρα φέρουσαι,
θερμὰ κατὰ ψυχροῦ δάκρυα χεῖτε τάφου.

— Paton edition

In Africa on the banks of the Nile rests with
her twin babes Lamisca of Samos the twenty year
old daughter of Nicarete and Eupolis, who breathed
her last in the bitter pangs of labour. Bring to the
girl, you maidens, such gifts as you give to one newly
delivered, and shed warm tears upon her cold tomb.

— Paton edition



Selon Stadtmüller, suivi par Waltz, cette pièce appartiendrait plutôt à Dioscoride. cf. Les Belles Lettres, t. IV, p. 126. Voir aussi Gow et Page, Hellenistic Epigrams, t. II, p. 269 et 425.


τὴν γοεραῖς πνεύσασαν ἐν ὠδίνεσσι Λαμίσκην
ὕστατα , Νικαρέτης παῖδα καὶ Εὐπόλιδος ,
σὺν βρέφεσιν διδύμοις , Σαμίην γένος , αἱ παρὰ Νείλῳ
κρύπτουσιν Λιβύης ᾐόνες εἰκοσέτιν .

ἀλλά , κόραι , τῇ παιδὶ λεχώια δῶρα φέρουσαι ,
θερμὰ κατὰ ψυχροῦ δάκρυα χεῖτε τάφου .

In Africa on the banks of the Nile rests with
her twin babes Lamisca of Samos the twenty year
old daughter of Nicarete and Eupolis , who breathed
her last in the bitter pangs of labour . Bring to the
girl , you maidens , such gifts as you give to one newly
delivered , and shed warm tears upon her cold tomb .

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Last modifications

Epigram 7.166: Modification of Comment (PK 1122) by “mathildevrst

Epigram 7.166: Addition of Comment (PK 1122) by “mathildevrst

Epigram 7.166: First revision

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