Epigram 6.65

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Codex Palatinus 23 p. 152
Codex Palatinus 23 p. 153


τὸν τροχόεντα μόλιβδον, ὃς ἀτραπὸν οἶδε χαράσσειν
ὀρθὰ παραξύων ἰθυτενῆ κανόνα,
καὶ χάλυβα σκληρὸν καλαμηφάγον, ἀλλὰ καὶ αὐτὸν
ἡγεμόνα γραμμῆς ἀπλανέος κανόνα,

καὶ λίθον ὀκριόεντα, δόναξ ὅθι δισσὸν ὀδόντα
θήγεται ἀμβλυνθεὶς ἐκ δολιχογραφίης,
καὶ βυθίην Τρίτωνος ἁλιπλάγκτοιο χαμεύνην,
σπόγγον, ἀκεστορίην πλαζομένης γραφίδος,
καὶ κίστην πολύωπα μελανδόκον, εἰν ἑνὶ πάντα

εὐγραφέος τέχνης ὄργανα ῥυομένην,
Ἑρμῇ Καλλιμένης, τρομερὴν ὑπὸ γήραος ὄκνῳ
χεῖρα καθαρμόζων ἐκ δολιχῶν καμάτων.

— Paton edition

Callimenes, resting from its long labour his sluggish hand that trembles with age, dedicates to Hermes his disc of lead that running correctly close to the straight ruler can deftly mark its track, the hard steel that eats the pens, the ruler itself, too, guide of the
undeviating line, the rough stone on which the
double-tooth of the pen is sharpened when blunted by long use, the sponge, wandering Triton’s couch in the deep, healer of the pen’s errors, and the ink-box with many cavities that holds in one all the implements of calligraphy.

— Paton edition




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Last modifications

Epigram 6.65: Modification of [fra] La rondelle de plomb qui trace … by “maximeguénette

Epigram 6.65: First revision

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