Ἑρμείῃ Βαίτων ἁλινηχέος ὄργανα τέχνης
— Paton edition
ἄνθετο, δειμαίνων γήραος ἀδρανίην
ἄγκυραν, γυρόν τε λίθον, σπυρίδας θ᾽ ἅμα φελλῷ,
ἄγκιστρον, κώπην, καὶ λίνα καὶ δόνακας.
A Hermès, Baiton a consacré les instruments de son métier de pêcheur, redoutant l'affaiblissement de la vieillesse: une ancre, un silex arrondi (?), des nasses avec du liège, un hameçon, une rame, des filets et des roseaux.
— Waltz edition
To Hermes Baeto, fearing the weakness of old
— Paton edition
age, gives the implements of his sea-faring craft,
his anchor, his round flint, his creel and float, his hook,
oar, nets and rods.
To Hermes Baeto, fearing the weakness of old
— Paton edition
age, gives the implements of his sea-faring craft,
his anchor, his round flint, his creel and float, his hook,
oar, nets and rods.
A Hermès, Baiton a consacré les instruments de son métier de pêcheur, redoutant l'affaiblissement de la vieillesse: une ancre, un silex arrondi (?), des nasses avec du liège, un hameçon, une rame, des filets et des roseaux.
— Waltz edition
Ἑρμείῃ Βαίτων ἁλινηχέος ὄργανα τέχνης
— Paton edition
ἄνθετο, δειμαίνων γήραος ἀδρανίην
ἄγκυραν, γυρόν τε λίθον, σπυρίδας θ᾽ ἅμα φελλῷ,
ἄγκιστρον, κώπην, καὶ λίνα καὶ δόνακας.
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Scholium 6.29.1Alignments
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Last modifications
Epigram 6.29: Modification of [eng] To Hermes Baeto, fearing the weakness … by “maximeguénette”
Epigram 6.29: Addition of internal reference from Epigram 6.28 by “maximeguénette”
Epigram 6.29: Addition of internal reference from Epigram 6.27 by “maximeguénette”
Epigram 6.29: First revision
See all modifications →