Epigram 6.124

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Codex Palatinus 23 p. 164


ἀσπὶς ἀπὸ βροτέων ὤμων Τιμάνορος ἇμμαι
ναῷ ὑπορροφία Παλλάδος ἀλκιμάχας,
πολλὰ σιδαρείου κεκονιμένα ἐκ πολέμοιο,
τόν με φέροντ᾽ αἰεὶ ῥυομένα θανάτου.

— Paton edition

I am fixed here under the roof of warrior Pallas’
temple, the shield from the mortal shoulders of
Timanor often befouled with the dust of iron war. Ever did I save my bearer from death.

— Paton edition




The anathematic epigrams centered on the dedication of a single shield are relatively scarce in the anthological corpus, with many grouped within sequence 6.124-128 (a section of a broader Meleagrean section). These epigrams can be classified into two families, differentiated by motif, but tightly interconnected through thematic and stylistic elements: the first focuses on the shield's dedication at the conclusion of a soldier's military duty, akin to numerous Hellenistic epigrams where the dedicator offers the tools of their trade upon retiring due to age, fatigue, or other reasons. In contrast, the second type emphasizes gratitude for the divine protection embodied by the shield on the battlefield, ensuring the bearer's safe return home.


In addition to being a variation of the motif of the shield dedication, the epigram proves to be exceptionally similar to Simonides' AP 6.2: see, e.g., in line 1 of both epigrams, the same incipit position of the weapon dedicated; in line 2, the identical opening and recurrence of the same rare term, ὑπορρόφια; in line 3, the play on the adverb πολλάκι, changed to πολλὰ, and the mention of the battlefield; in line 4, the participial construction and the assonance αἰεὶ ῥυομένα - αἵματι λουσάμενα. This could testify to Hegesippus' employment of dual models, adding complexity and intrigue to his art of variation. However, establishing dependencies between these texts is challenging, all the more so because editors of the 'Simonidean' epigrams do not agree on the dating of his poem, with some judging it unmistakably hellenistic (see comment on 6.2). See also comments on related epigrams. - M.Legnini



Last modifications

Epigram 6.124: Modification of Comment (PK 1603) by “MartaLegnini

Epigram 6.124: Modification of Comment (PK 1605) by “MartaLegnini

Epigram 6.124: Modification of Comment (PK 1605) by “MartaLegnini

Epigram 6.124: Modification of Comment (PK 1603) by “MartaLegnini

Epigram 6.124: Addition of Comment (PK 1605) by “MartaLegnini

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