Epigram 12.207

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Codex Palatinus 23 p. 600


ἐχθὲς λουόμενος Διοκλῆς ἀνενήνοχε σαύραν
ἐκ τῆς ἐμβάσεως τὴν Ἀναδυομένην.

ταύτην εἴ τις ἔδειξεν Ἀλεξάνδρῳ τότ᾽ ἐν Ἴδῃ,
τὰς τρεῖς ἂν ταύτης προκατέκρινε θεάς.

— Paton edition

Ontem, nos banhos, Diocles, enquanto se banhava, fez subir seu lagarto, uma Afrodite saindo das ondas do mar.
E se alguém o tivesse mostrado a Páris quando ele estava no Ida, ele escolheria o lagarto no lugar das três deusas.

— Luiz Capelo



« Allusion parodique à la fameuse peinture d’Apelle, la Κύπρις ἀναδυομένη (XI, 174 ; A. PL. 178), puis aux épigrammes qui reprennent le thème du jugement de Pâris. » (Robert Aubreton, Anthologie grecque, Livre XII, p. 131)


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Last modifications

Epigram 12.207: Addition of [por] Ontem, nos banhos, Diocles, enquanto se … by “LuizCapelo

Epigram 12.207: Addition of Comment (PK 824) by “LuizCapelo

Epigram 12.207: Addition of [fra] Hier aux bains, Dioclès fit, hors … by “LuizCapelo

Epigram 12.207: Addition of [eng] Yesterday Diodes in the bath brought … by “LuizCapelo

Epigram 12.207: Association of Muse garçonnière (1403) by “LuizCapelo

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