— Paton edition
οὕτω γῆρας ἐμὸν μετὰ μητέρα καὶ μετὰ τηθὴν
ξῦσεν Ἰουλιανή, καὶ νέον ἄνθος ἔχω.
Autre épigramme.
Tant après sa mère et sa grand'mère Julienne a su restaurer ma vieillesse, si bien que je possède une nouvelle fleur.
— Waltz edition
Assim, após a mãe e após a avó, Julianne raspou minhas velhices, e agora carrego nova flor.
— Luiz Capelo
Thus did Juliana, after her mother and grandmother, scrape off my coat of old age, and I have new bloom.
— Paton edition
Thus did Juliana, after her mother and grandmother, scrape off my coat of old age, and I have new bloom.
— Paton edition
Assim, após a mãe e após a avó, Julianne raspou minhas velhices, e agora carrego nova flor.
— Luiz Capelo
Autre épigramme.
Tant après sa mère et sa grand'mère Julienne a su restaurer ma vieillesse, si bien que je possède une nouvelle fleur.
— Waltz edition
— Paton edition
οὕτω γῆρας ἐμὸν μετὰ μητέρα καὶ μετὰ τηθὴν
ξῦσεν Ἰουλιανή, καὶ νέον ἄνθος ἔχω.
Periods (eng)
Genres (eng)
Scholium 1.14.1Alignments
οὕτω γῆρας ἐμὸν μετὰ μητέρα καὶ μετὰ τηθὴν
ξῦσεν Ἰουλιανή , καὶ νέον ἄνθος ἔχω .
Assim , após a mãe e após a avó , Julianne raspou minhas velhices , e agora carrego nova flor .